Art and history translation into English

I have over 35 years' experience translating books, catalogues, guides and websites into English. Mostly from Dutch but also from French and German. This website contains some highlights along with news about recent projects and a complete list of almost 260 published translations going back to 1986.

I am based in the Northwest of England after almost thirty years in and around Leuven in Belgium. I also lived in Rotterdam for a year in the 1980s as a student. My clients are mainly publishers, museums, galleries and art research institutes in Belgium and the Netherlands. Others include publishers, museums and institutions in Britain, the United States, Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria and Scandinavia.

In addition to my degree in Modern Dutch Studies, I have master's degrees in both history and art history and have completed a six-year part-time fine-art printmaking course at the academy in Leuven (SLAC).



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